It's 11.30 and I am still asleep in theory. Im getting more and more excited about starting uni every single day! can't wait! Forgot to tell that I'm going to italy in 2,5 weeks! Have heard that it's going to be really hot. I really look forward to just relax and not have a care in the world. I'm going with my father and my grandmother (!). We'll see how that goes, haven't been able to be in the same room as her for longer than an hour. I'm sure we'll have our moments.
I am really starting to enjoy the bar across the road. Me and P kind of feel at home there now, us and all crazy cricket people...

Totally forgot to upload the resort collection, but here is the fall collection wich I think is awesome. To be honest, I'm usually not the biggest fan of lace. But when it looks like this, i think it's devine!

I've previously mentioned that I absolutely adore Marie Antoinette, and a always feel sad when I realise that that time has passed, and it's never coming back. But when I see this, a silly dream is suddenly filled with hope :D I'm not really the only one dreaming of lace dresses and beautiful castles in france! Although being so regal, this collection just feels so hip! Love it when designers take a bit of the past, and make it work in the present!